Mission & Outreach
- Chair: Ruth Coffey
Please scroll to bottom of this page to review the most recent meeting minutes.
First Presbyterian Church of Ardmore’s Mission & Outreach Ministry strives to follow the lead of Jesus Christ. We recognize God’s concern for people and scriptures guide our actions. Our goal is to be God’s servants, actively responding to the needs of others, supporting the development of long-term solutions, and when possible, addressing root causes for identified concerns. Our activities reflect the following Christian values:
- Compassion
- Generosity
- Ethicalness
- Fairness
- Kindness
Each Mission & Outreach project addresses one of the following priorities:
• Alleviating suffering for those experiencing the pain of poverty;
• Providing food for those facing hunger; and
• Supporting solutions for identified individuals who are confronting other life challenges
(such as struggling youth, elderly, veterans, and those with substance use and/or mental
health problems).
There’s never been a shortage of needs in our community. Whether it be hands-on, monetary, or other types of service, we support the following local community organizations:
- Ardmore Soup Kitchen
- Food & Resource Center of South Central Oklahoma
- Ardmore Family Literacy Center
- Ardmore Veterans Center
- Community Children's Shelter
- Family Shelter of Southern Oklahoma
- HFV Wilson Community Center
- Naomi House
- Local Schools
- Community Thanksgiving Baskets
- Local Nursing Homes
Mission Statement:
To fulfill God’s mission, to be the means, empowered by the Holy Spirit, to carry out God’s will on earth.
Manual of Operations:
1. Authority
"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of Him who called you out of darkness into this marvelous light." (1 Peter 2:9)
"And the King will answer them 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did it to Me."' (Matthew 25:40)
2. Membership
At least one elder from the Session; other members of the congregation; and pastor as ex officio member, no vote.
3. Duties
1. Encourage interest and participation in the total missions’ program of the congregation, ("Mission" meaning all Christian service beyond the immediate reaches of the congregation).
a. Interpret and promote the mission of the presbytery, synod, and General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for the congregation.
b. Provide a Mission Moments for Sunday morning worship services.
c. Provide inserts for the bulletin or newsletter on Mission Projects of Indian Nations Presbytery.
2. Study current issues of religious and social importance and inform the congregation, concerning possible responses.
Most Recent Mission & Outreach Meeting Report
9-14-23 Members present: Ruth Coffey, Chuck Coffey, Warren Gordon, Charlie Evans, Linda Chambers, Elizabeth Ann Johnson, Linda Johnson, Janice Curtis, Ellen Beckwith, and Mary Ellen Waychoff
Janice Curtis invited Cheryl Andrews, Director of the Naomi House, to be our guest speaker. Ms. Andrews brought along 3 ladies living in the House and each gave a brief testament. The Naomi House is a Christ-centered recovery center for ladies suffering from addiction. They are in the final stages of getting their new commercial kitchen finished so they can begin using it. They currently have 16 residents, but several will graduate this year. All 3 ladies testified how the Naomi House had saved their lives and one even said she got to keep her baby. They are always in need of toiletries such as soaps, lotion, shampoos, and toothpaste, as well as towels and washcloths. They are also in need of ministry literature and materials, bibles, notebooks, journals, pens, etc. They were very thankful for all the support they receive from the community and Tribes.
Our business meeting was then opened with prayer.
The agenda was approved.
The August minutes were approved.
Approved the Financial Report as of September 14 presented by Linda Chambers.
· A motion was approved to fund the following:
$2,000.00 – Broadway House
$2,386.00 – Community Youth Services
$1,000.00 – Grace Center
$1,000.00 – Good Shepherd
There is $3,000.00 of unused funds designated for the Soup Kitchen that will rollover into 2024.
· A motion was approved to give a $200.00 Walmart gift card to each of our four teachers, Natalie Griffin, Jimmie Wallis, Ellen Beckwith, and Elissa Cox, to be used for their school needs. Linda agreed to get the cards.
Chuck agreed to contact the Broadway House and see if we could get a guest speaker at our October meeting.
Discussion about Thanksgiving food baskets was tabled.
Next meeting: October 12, 2023, 5:15 p.m.